First Example Of Suckery,

The Hipster.
This white suburban male/female can be credited for ruining your favorite band, wearing v-necks, making indie popular, trying as hard as possible to look unclean (even though the best way is to actually be unclean), being a complete douche and last but not least, failing at the one thing they strive for, being original. Now I can thank them for one thing, and that is ultimately for bringing an end to the scene trend. Just 10 months ago this fellow above had his hair died 3 different colors in a swoop pattern across his face and listened to mostly Whitechapel and Emmure. Now he listens to mostly Passion Pit, Brand New and MGMT. I hate this trend, they flock to good bands such as Wolves In The Throne Room, Isis, Baroness and Andrew Jackson Jihad and clog up their shows when no one wants them their.
The Second Example Of Suckery,

The Brutal Kid.
They are alas a dying race, once the biggest peeve of the fans of the metal genre such as myself. It is the worst thing in the world when you see a scene kid with a Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation or a Nile shirt. All of which bands I enjoy but this kid is wearing for some kind of credit or somthing. The only thing I know is that they actually never listened to Carcass or Cynic but instead wore it at Deathcore shows to look cultured or sophisticated. Just be open with yourself and listen to what you want, stop trying to prove somthing to others, it just makes you look much stupider. I.E. wear an Attack! Attack! shirt, I know you want too.
The Third Example Of Suckery,

It was the trend before Metalcore, Deathcore, Crunkcore etc. It is still alive in the hearts and minds of girls aged twelve to fifteen across America. These girls literally worshiped the figures in these bands. They bought their subscription to AP magazine, They get a "Fuled By Ramen" newsletter, They all want to marry Pete Wentz and their entire wardrobe consists of that little bat-heart symbol clothing line thing. The worst part is, the genre is not remotely close to Punk at all. Every single girl thinks All Time Low, Fall Out Boy,The Maine and the worst of all... Blink-182 are the most rebelious thing they have ever seen when really they have no idea what the punk genre consists of. Yes Blink-182 is pop-punk there is nothing punk about them except none have flippy hair. What happens to the pop-punk fan is they discover Nevershoutnever! or some other pop-indie hypocrisy and they turn into a hipster, or A Day To Remember and become a scene kid.
The Fourth Example Of Suckery,

'Lil Wayne
I am just going to ask you a question, how is 'Lil Wayne the greatest rapper ever? I have never heard anything worth more then a listen come out of his mouth, however everybody is in love with this guy. I think it is cause of what he looks like. This is a disgrace to the genre it should be put to death.
The Suckery That Did Not Make The List Because I am Too Lazy To Write About!
NickelBack and the other forty bands that sound exactly alike them,
Insane Clown Posse,
Hair Metal,
The people who disregard The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa and Jefferson Airplane in favor of the Beatles,
Slipknot, Disturbed, Mudvayne, Korn, anything along those lines.
People who think Metallica is the greatest band of all time.
People who dont know who Eric Clapton is,
People who listen to one genre exclusively,
Linkin Park,
The people who disregard the Beatles completely,
The word screamo,
Eleven to Fourteen year old girls,
Twealve to Fifteen year old boys,
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