First comes first, I will answer the age old question. The Turtle or The Tortoise? Its simple. If you look throughout pop culture you would assume that is in fact The Turtle. If you assumed this, you are partly, if not completely correct. Here is why. What famous character, in any sort of entertainment is a Tortoise? None. They are all Turtles. Like my man Crush up there and of course Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The only thing that keeps the Tortoise in the game is well nothing. I just like the name. Its pretty awesome.

Anyways, here we are, and its time for the Rundown.

This guy right here, second best mutant turtle and is trv and kvlt and kept his red mask. The only turtle to do so. Although his brother, the one above him, is the leader. Think about it, if he was a black metal band, you would never have heard of him. I mean he'd run at you and just kill you.

Donatello, the purple masked bow staff wielding genius, is the third best turtle. Don't really know why, he just is. One, he uses a stick to kill people, and two he is the smartest mutated turtle in the history of history. Its weird that he was named Donatello instead of Leonardo, being that Da Vinchi was the smartest person of all time.

Last, and not least (Leonardo is) is my favorite of all turtles. Michelangelo. The most fun loving and carefree turtle. He has the orange mask and is gifted in the ways of stealth, Nunchaku, and skateboarding. He has coined most of the turtle's catch phrases like Cowabunga! What up?! and Pizza Dudes got thirty seconds.
Turtle Power.
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