Now just to start off I've never read the Harry Potter books and that might have had a impact on my review.
Now let me start off with the last film "The half blood prince". To be honest it was a piece of shit. In the entire film NOTHING happened, it was the most slow movie I have ever seen. Now don't get me wrong, slow films can be great, some of my favorite films are slow paced. But my biggest problem was the ending. When Albus Dumbledore is killed and the magical world is taken over I never got a sense of the defeat. I should have been angry at the villain for killing a major character... but I wasn't because they just skipped that part as soon as they could. And the entire film is just kids getting horny and flirting. That's some of my problems with the last film.
Now to the current film. This suffers the same weaknesses as the last...it was way too slow! I mean good god! The entire film was just three annoying, horny stupid teenagers in the woods! That's it! The characters are not interesting to me (maybe due to lack of reading Or lack of soul). Emma Watson was just there to cry and whine about the situation, The Ginger was there just to get angry about the situation, and Dan Radcliffe was there to try to deal with the situation. I mean geez! These characters do nothing! I would rather follow the main villain, at least he was doing shit.
And on another note Voldemort is not scary looking in the slightest. He is a hairless, slimy, V-neck wearing Weirdo The villains could be more villainy if we see them more...GOD! Like I said, if the director skips the most villains and what they do, whats the Fucking point?
So back to my problems. It was brutally slow and the audience is expected to go with the movie and not to question it. It was Extremely anti climatic due to the fact that its Pt. 1 to the ending of the series. Now its better to do parts 1 and 2 for TV shows because the audience only has to wait 1 week for the next half. If you saw it 1 week earlier then you still have momentum the last episode gave you... but if you have to wait a year for Pt. 2 then theres not momentum left.
Now to what I liked. I like the evolution of the series, the first film was for kiddys with magical creatures and stuff. However the last few movies have gotten darker and darker and darker. It can be scary at times. Its to appeal to the older nerds, its not for little kids any more. When the last film is done I'm going to watch all of them in order and see the evolution and that might be cool.
All right now to what you have all been waiting for! The first rating! I'm still working on my review system so it might change over time, but this is what I will use for now. The one in bold red will be my rating. So thanks for reading and please fell free to comment and ask questions. And please put your rating on the comment.......Oh and Mr. Junkar is convinced Emma Watson is hot. I talked some sense into him however by explaining that she is a Brit. and if shes a Brit. then she must have a hairy Vagina.
1. Nothing but the Best 2. Worthwhile
3. Good
4. Forgettable
5. Shity
6. Two thumbs...Sit on it!
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