Hello let me start off with the fact that you are stupid! Most of the population of the United States are idiots. Thus most people who watch movies today are idiots. So if you say that Avatar had a good story or Paranormal Activity was scary PLEASE for the love of god get off my blog!
Now that said lets get to the real question... Who dares rape my cinema? Let me tell you the names of those fuckers who raped and exploited OUR cinema! First that crazy mother fucker Michael bay! He uses CGI to craft these horrible monstrosities such as Transformers or Armageddon. Transformers had some of the worst dialogue I have ever listened to ever. I was hard to even enjoy the fights it was so bad! Now James Cameron isn't raping cinema... he is exploiting it. Lets face it James is a better marketer than a director. The reasons I don't like him is that hes leading cinema into the wrong direction! Now all im seeing is Jackass 3D, Saw 3D, Megamind 3D, and so forth!
Now these guys might have bad excuses for this but there are several other directors who just Riping off cinema's clothes and are DOUBLE stuffing it as I write this! Some examples are Jason Friedberg, Aran Seltzer, Colin Strause, and Greg Strause. These are just a few of the crazed animals who don't want anything but just to RAPE cinema!
Now I know this isn't a movie review, I just want to tell our 6 readers how I look at the condition of cinema right now. This is my ideology on cinema right now. I like good movies and I will tell you what is shit and what is a little less shity. So now you know who dares rape our cinema.
Now that said lets get to the real question... Who dares rape my cinema? Let me tell you the names of those fuckers who raped and exploited OUR cinema! First that crazy mother fucker Michael bay! He uses CGI to craft these horrible monstrosities such as Transformers or Armageddon. Transformers had some of the worst dialogue I have ever listened to ever. I was hard to even enjoy the fights it was so bad! Now James Cameron isn't raping cinema... he is exploiting it. Lets face it James is a better marketer than a director. The reasons I don't like him is that hes leading cinema into the wrong direction! Now all im seeing is Jackass 3D, Saw 3D, Megamind 3D, and so forth!
Now these guys might have bad excuses for this but there are several other directors who just Riping off cinema's clothes and are DOUBLE stuffing it as I write this! Some examples are Jason Friedberg, Aran Seltzer, Colin Strause, and Greg Strause. These are just a few of the crazed animals who don't want anything but just to RAPE cinema!
Now I know this isn't a movie review, I just want to tell our 6 readers how I look at the condition of cinema right now. This is my ideology on cinema right now. I like good movies and I will tell you what is shit and what is a little less shity. So now you know who dares rape our cinema.
I liked how you mentioned rape.
It got me off