I would like to discuss my opinion on the state of my favorite genres. My favorites constantly fluctuate and expand. However these are my favorites. And they include some of the greatest bands ever.

The fastest and second heaviest genre in my eyes. It is hard to say exactly when and where Grindcore was started. Most people agree Siege as the first Grindcore band, they were from Massachusetts in 1983. Then there is Electro Hippies who started in England in 1985. But both of those bands weren't exactly Grindcore by the book.

Grindcore was ultimately coined by this band. Napalm Death many of you have heard of them. I sincerely hope many of you enjoy them. This is one of my favorite bands of all time. Napalm Death has had many members. So many it is ridiculous. There sounds has changed over the years. Starting as pure as grind can get. But it has changed into a fusion of death metal over the years.
Some of my other favorites include Carcass, Pig Destroyer, Extreme Noise Terror, Captain Cleanoff, Brutal Truth and Agoraphobic Nosebleed.

There is but one genre of music so foul that it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. In its purest form it will produce a sound equivalent to the sound that the picture above would make if it could make a sound. Grimey, Heavy and Harsh are the words used to describe sludge. If there is anything good from the south, it is sludge.

Acid Bath is one of my favorite bands of all time. Dax Riggs is one of my most favorite vocalists of all time. They successfully fused Blues, Hardcore and doom metal. Harsh passages next to the eerie vocals and lyrics create an extremely depressing atmosphere. Too bad this ended with the death of the bassist.
Other awesome bands are Eyehategod, Crowbar and The Melvins. Sludge fused with other genres has also created many interesting mixes. Bands like Baroness, Isis, Cult of Luna, Neurosis, Kylesa, Torche and Giant Squid.

The murkiest of murk available to humans. Stoner Doom is the heaviest music on the planet. You get a contact high from listening to bands in this categroy. And the heaviest of all Is Electric Wizard. Black Sabbath Pioneered the sound in the '70s. I listen to this genre more than almost anyone I know and I don't even do drugs. Therefore you should love it too!

Electric Wizard is the best band in the genre. I see everything good in every album. Come My Fanatics... and Dopethrone are masterpieces by themselves. I really wish this band would come to America. It would be the best show there is. Ever.
Other bands in the genre you should check out are Acid Witch, Sleep, Weedeater, Goatsnake and if you are more adventurous Sunn 0))), Boris and Earth.
That is all for now.
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