I looked at the winners for the Golden Globes and to my horror The Social Network won several awards including best picture.
It gets worse!
I will give you a list of my problems of the winners. Also my opinion shall not be questioned because I'm always correct in these matters.
Lets start off with The Social Network. The reason it won is obvious... Due to the fact that more than half the world is logged on to facbook now and that so many of those logged on have completely devoted their lives to it, they instantly think Social Network is amazing. That is one of several theory's. Here are some more.

2. People have had their minds Assimilated by facebook and no longer have free will.
3.Paid off Golden Globes
4. Facebook owns the world and it is led by Adolf' Hitler's Brian in a glass jar.
Anyways back to the other awards. I hate that the gay kid from Glee won Best supporting actor in a TV series... Lets get something strait here. I'm not a gay basher, I just hate GLEE!!! If they cant get attractive young people who can sing so they just get untalented attractive people who are semi good at lip syncing.
I do have several problems with the choice on TV shows. Excluding the awards for boardwalk empire. That shit was great! It got best actor in TV and best TV show.
Best supporting actor was given to Christian Bale and rightfully so.
Natalie Portman was given best actress. I'm alright with that.
To conclude The Golden Globes don't really matter. You see the Evil overlords at the Oscars are the true masters of the movie business. Compared to the Oscars the Globes are pushovers. But I must admit I was really disappointed with 2010. And by the looks of things 2011 wont be any better.

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