...Friends of Cinema, today we come under attack by an evil force so powerful it has already won. For this Movie rant I will be 95% serious about what I talk about...I don't want to face facts but I must warn you.
My Tale starts here... Realizing that the year is almost over and there hasn't been any memorable movies this year I looked up online about movies we will be seeing soon...And my god... I looked upon the face of evil itself.
(what I'm about to say is real and I actually stand by what I'm about to say) I looked movie trailers and saw some movies that will be coming out next year. Now I don't recommend you seeing any of these trailers but you must to understand what I'm trying to communicate. Season of the Witch, The Eagle, Red Riding Hood, Yogi Bear, and Meet the little Fockers
Now before reading the rest you must see these trailers, I know its hard but you must!
Now if you actually saw the trailers I have no need to explain how bad they looked. I mean is this really what we have to look forward to?! I'm only going to talk about two of those films, Season of the Witch and Red Hood.
The lead actor of Season of the Witch is Nicolas Cage, so it's instantly bad, however I have no idea how this was even considered to be made. How could they even go up to the Hollywood overlords and present them with this? We must engage a zero tolerance policy for Nicolas-butt hole-Cage. I also can't believe a Ghost Rider 2 is being made! Fuck! All we see now is remakes and sequels.
Now to the real threat... A new evil has risen, even more powerful than Michel Bay or James Cameron put together, Mike and James just want to make money, but this She-Devil is truly evil. Her name is Catherine Hardwicke, and she is responsible for Twilight and now Red Riding Hood. Red Hood actually might be the worst film ever made I'm completely serious. I really want ,no, need to put a stop to her. Someone please help me kill her.
To finish things up... really nothing good has come out this year, I hate to say this but Harry Potter was one of the better films this year. I am begging Hollywood to come up with an original idea, PLEASE Hollywood...Take a Fucking Chance and do something original.
Hey thanks for reading and please comment your thoughts on the subject or your reactions to those trailers.
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